State Sen. Bert Johnson Suffers Dog Bite Injury

State Sen. Bert Johnson had a rough winter morning when he not only suffered from a dog bite but got his hand stuck in the auger of a snowblower that he was using at that time.

Senator Johnson was using a snowblower in his Highland Park driveway when he saw a strange dog approaching. The dog eventually attacked him, causing the Senator to fall, put out his hand to catch himself but instead got it stuck in the snowblower. Luckily he was wearing gloves at the time, however, the senator still required surgery to repair and reconstruct his hand.

After driving himself to the hospital Senator Johnson told police that the pit bull appeared to be in good condition, as though it could be someone's pet. Police have not been able to identify or locate the dog as of yet. It is surprising that it was there at all since Highland Park, an enclave of Detroit, bans pitbulls from living in that area.

Since the bad economic times have hit Detroit especially, the issue of stray animals has only been made worse by funding cuts for animal control staffing.

Are you a dog bite victim? Get the legal help you need by contacting our law firm to discuss your case with a Detroit personal injury lawyer.
