Running a red light

Michigan Ticket Defense Lawyer

Did you receive a traffic ticket for running a red light? A Michigan traffic ticket attorney at Freedman Law Group may be able to help. By contesting your ticket and avoiding a conviction for this violation, you can keep points off your driving record, protecting your driver's license from possible suspension and your insurance rates from increasing.

So, don't just pay that ticket. Talk to a Michigan traffic ticket lawyer at our firm to learn more about your options in regards to challenging your red light violation ticket can save you a great deal of money in the future. Whether you have a clean driving record or already have accumulated points, you can find out just how contesting this ticket can benefit you. We will evaluate your particular situation and talk to you about your ticket to give you a personalized, accurate consultation. We take on cases throughout Michigan.

Traffic Control Signal Violations in Michigan

Under Michigan Vehicle Code Sections 257.608-616, it is a civil infraction to violate any form of traffic control signal. This includes traffic lights, school crossings, railroad crossings, stop signs and signs or directions in construction zones. These offenses are typically punishable by fine only, but in certain circumstances or combined with other violations a driver may face more serious criminal charges. For example, a driver failing to stop for a crossing guard in a school crossing zone may face misdemeanor charges for a violation.

Running a red light and all other traffic control signal violations are worth three points. If you pay the ticket or are otherwise convicted of these violations, three points will be added to your driving record. Challenge your red light violation with a Michigan criminal defense lawyer at Freedman Law Group.

Contact a Michigan traffic ticket attorney today for a free consultation. Call us at 248-656-0086