On Sunday evening, police allegedly began pursuing a 1962 Ford Falcon near North Avenue and 26 Mile Road in Macomb Township because the driver was driving erratically. In addition, the vehicle matched the description of a car that had left the scene of a home invasion 30 minutes earlier. In response to the traffic stop, the 24-year-old allegedly pulled into a private drive and proceeded to shoot himself twice in the chest before getting out of the car and falling to his knees. The driver was reportedly on parole after pleading guilty to a felonious assault offense in January and shot himself to avoid going back to jail. It has been reported that the suspect was to be arraigned as early as today from his hospital room on charges of carrying a concealed weapon and other firearm offenses.
The two passengers in the vehicle, Christopher Broers, 17, and Jeremy Bawkon, 21, were arraigned in New Baltimore District Court on charges connected to the home invasion that occurred earlier. Broers is charged with assault with intent to rob, while armed, assault with a dangerous weaponand firearm offenses. Conviction could result in life in prison. Bawkon is charged with first-degree home invasion, a 20-year-felony. The driver of the car is not expected to be charged in the home invasion.
Weapons charges are serious. A person may face criminal charges for the unlawful possession or sale of a deadly weapon or firearm, as well as face enhanced penalties for carrying or using a weapon in the commission of a crime. In Michigan, all weapon offenses are harshly prosecuted.
At Freedman & Freedman, we provide criminal defense representation to clients facing all types of weapons charges throughout metropolitan Detroit including Royal Oak, Livonia, Farmington, Farmington Hills, Troy, Sterling Heights, Bloomfield Hills and more. Regardless of the circumstances of your case and whether you are facing charges in state or federal court, a Michigan criminal defense attorney at our firm can meet with you and discuss your case and your options. Your initial consultation is free. We will take the time to answer your questions and address your particular concerns about your charges in order to bring you much-needed peace of mind and help you in making the right decision about your legal counsel and your case as whole.
Learn more about the benefits of aggressive legal counsel and the services our firm provides bycontacting a Michigan weapon charges lawyertoday.