The Brain Injury Association of Michigan recently filed a lawsuit against the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association, saying that they were not able to obtain important financial information and claimant records that they needed in order to help auto-insured citizens and catastrophically-injured survivors all across the state. The information that they want is crucial to finding out the rationale behind the insurance industry’s claims that Michigan’s no-fault auto-system is financially unbalanced and that the MCCA is at risk to going bankrupt. If they have to declare bankruptcy protection, the MCCA will need to enforce cost controls and cap benefits.

The MCCA has been telling the Brain Injury Association of Michigan as well as many other entities that have asked for information that they are exempt from needing to provide it. They don’t want anyone to assess the no-fault policies, and are hoping that no one will comment on the obvious short falls or try to fix the system. This is because they believe that the no-fault standard allows victims of catastrophic injuries to receive unlimited care. Some of the associates at BIAMI say that withholding information like this is unfair and illegal. They believe that people are at risk because they do not know much about the financial side of the MCCA and are not aware of the precarious position that they are in.

Essentially, BIAMI wants to see the MCCA be more transparent. They say that the MCCA is a public body and that it collects millions of dollars from millions of citizens. With so much of Michigan citizen’s money being poured in the association, BIAMI believes that people have a right to know how that money is being managed. If you are involved in a serious accident, then you will probably want your own lawyer to deal with any damages that you deserve. You may want to seek litigation against the person responsible for your pain. Talk to someone today!