A school bus driver for Van Buren County has been ticketed for an accident that pinned a car under his bus.

The accident happened yesterday in Geneva Township. The bus was heading west on 8 th Avenue when the driver failed to yield to a car driving north on 68 th street.

The driver and passenger in the car were both taken to the hospital with minor injuries. It's not clear whether or not any children were on the school bus when the accident took place, or what time the accident occurred.

The bus driver has since been cited for failure to yield.

Injured in a Bus Accident?

If you have been injured in a bus accident,or if your child has suffered an injury in a school bus accident, you should speak with a Michigan personal injury attorney at the Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman about your legal options in regards to collecting compensation. If you can prove the driver who caused the accident was negligent or reckless, you could stand to recover compensation for any property damage to your vehicle, as well as for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Contact Freedman & Freedman today at (888) 252-8582 to set up a free consultation.