Mark H. Freedman

As the managing member of Freedman Law Group, I represent and defend many good people every single day who are facing extremely tough criminal charges. But, unlike so many other criminal defense attorneys, who strangely boast that they are former prosecutors, I was never a prosecutor. Why? Because I never, ever wanted to be a prosecutor! I always wanted to be, and always have been, and always will be, a true criminal defense lawyer. I always wanted to defend the little guy. I always wanted to fight for what was right. I have never waffled or waivered on which side of the fight I wanted to be on. So, I fight and defend, every single day, so that my clients can obtain justice. I personally meet with every single client, and personally investigate each and every situation, so that I can personally represent and provide that client with the very best outcome. And believe me, I will do just that.

Each and every case we handle is unique so they require special care and handling. I want each person that we represent to feel special. To feel as if their case is the only case we are handling and to feel as if their case is the only case we care about. So, in order to accomplish this goal, we place an absolute premium on client communication and client trust. It is at the core of our firm values.

It is our approach to how we treat our clients that sets us apart from most other law firms. All too often we hear complaints from our clients about a prior negative legal experience with another law firm. I find it sad and disheartening to hear of lawyers who treat their clients in an impersonal way and with a lack of respect. We, however, are driven to be different from the others. We listen to you. We absolutely care about you. We have compassion for you. You will always have our respect. And you will always have a voice. I am often touched by clients when they tell us how they feel "cared for" by our firm. It is just doing "the small things" that really count the most.

I proudly received a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and a J.D. from Wayne State University in Detroit. As a member of both the State Bar of Michigan and the State Bar of Arizona, I am in a unique position to be licensed to practice in all State Courts in Michigan, all State Courts in Arizona, the United States District Court - Eastern District, the United States District Court - Western District, the United States District Court - Northern District of Ohio and the Federal 6th Circuit Court of Court Appeals located in Cincinnati, Ohio. Given my extensive prior experience working and learning from some of the top trial lawyers in the United States, I am very familiar with criminal laws throughout the country and have handled numerous cases in a number of states and courts.

When not working or volunteering in the community, I enjoy spending quality time with my beautiful twin teenage daughters. I also enjoy bicycling, hiking, spinning, playing tennis and boating in the beautiful Michigan waters.

Mr. Freedman routinely handles cases all throughout the State of Michigan and the State of Arizona.