Where to Start After Being Injured

When a person is injured in any type of accident, whether it's a car accident, drunk driving accident, workplace accident, or slip & fall accident, they can have a hard time deciding what to do about it. With the overwhelming amount of information found on the internet about accident & injury claims, an injured victim can quickly become confused about what to do. At the Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman, we help point injured victims just like you in the right direction after their accident.The very first, most important thing you can do after being injured (after seeking medical attention of course) is to speak with a Detroit personal injury attorney at our law firm. They will meet with you to discuss the circumstances of your accident, evaluate your claim, and determine how much compensation you may be entitled to.

If you have suffered a burn injury, brain injury, or any other type of injury in Detroit, Sterling Heights, Rochester Hills, Farmington Hills, Warren, Troy, Ferndale, or any area within Oakland or Wayne County, contact a Personal Injury Lawyer today to schedule your free initial consultation.
