Are the Stakes Higher for Juvenile Offenders?

If your child has been arrested for a crime in Oakland County or Wayne County, it is important to consult an experienced juvenile defense lawyer right away.

When a minor is arrested for a crime, not only does he or she stand to face numerous legal penalties, but his or her future is also at stake. If the minor is still in school, a criminal arrest could affect their chances of graduating, getting into college, or finding a good job. A minor may also be prohibited from participating in extracurricular actives, and could easily get suspended or expelled from school. And while these may seem minor in comparison to jail or probation, the effect of not getting into college or getting expelled from school could have far reaching consequences on the minor's future.

Juvenile Court System

The system governing juvenile cases is different from the system governing adult criminal cases. Unlike state or federal court, the juvenile court system focuses more on rehabilitation and counseling. Rather than simply punishing a juvenile defendant, it is believed that by addressing the minor’s behavior through counseling, and providing him or her with information, education, and treatment, the minor will be less likely to commit another crime in the future.

This is not to say that all juvenile cases will be treated with leniency. Juvenile court judges are perfectly capable of imposing strict penalties. And in the most serious cases, the prosecutors can choose to try a minor as an adult, which means he or she will face the same penalties that an adult would face in a similar case.

Contact a Skilled Michigan Juvenile Defense Lawyer!

The best way to ensure your son or daughter’s rights and best interests are protected following a criminal arrest is to hire a Michigan criminal defense attorney who has experience handling juvenile cases. At the Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman, we have represented many minors throughout Oakland and Wayne Counties facing criminal charges, and have a great deal of experience in the juvenile court system. If you are interested in learning more about how we can defend your son or daughter against his or her charges, please fill out a free case evaluation form or contact the office directly by calling1 (877) 858-5297 today!
