While no passengers were injured in the train accident that took place last week in Michigan, one man off the train did lose his life. Police have reported that a man attempting to beat an oncoming train lost his life in the process. The victim, H.F.L., 39, was witnessed trying to drive around lowered gates at a railroad crossing. The train crashed into the driver's side of the vehicle at full speed. Most passengers on the train from Chicago did not realize that an accident had occurred. It wasn't until the train started to slow down before the station that the passengers discovered an accident had taken place.

Although they are not common, train accidents can and do happen. If you have been injured in such a train-car accident, whether recently or in the past, you may be eligible for compensation. To learn more about the possibility of seeking damages for the injuries you suffered, contact Freedman & Freedman to discuss your accident case with an experienced Michigan personal injury attorney from our law office immediately.