It is already an often difficult situation to entrust another person to your child's care. However, we need to work and therefore many parents place their children in daycare. If the unthinkable has happened and your child was injured as the result of negligent supervision or care at a daycare facility, contact a Michigan personal injury lawyer at Freedman Law Group today. We can talk to you about what has occurred and can offer you valuable legal insight in regard to your options in filing a lawsuit against the facility. With our help, you may be able to recover money for your child's medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more.
Daycare negligence may take on many forms. It may involve unsafe facility premises, including areas that are dangerous or simply not "kid friendly." It may involve the negligent maintenance of playground equipment, toys or the property grounds. It may also involve negligent supervision of the children, such as a distracted daycare provider who does not notice that a child is in danger until it is too late. An attorney at our law offices can help with whatever type of claim you may have, assisting you in filing a premises liability lawsuit based upon:
- Playground equipment injuries
- Injuries caused by other children
- Falls
- Dangerous property grounds
- Defective toys
- Negligent supervision
- Swimming pool/drowning accidents
- Choking
- Physical, sexual or emotional abuse