Michigan OWI Attorney

Being arrested for OWI or DUI is extremely serious. Being arrested for causing an auto accident while driving under the influence is even more so. The penalties for a DUI accident are much more severe, and these offenses are usually charged as felonies.

Were you arrested for a DUI or OWI accident? Talk to our Michigan criminal defense lawyer at Freedman Law Group today to learn about your legal rights and what options you have to challenge these allegations. Our attorney represents clients throughout Michigan. With 59 combined years of legal experience and extensive knowledge and resources in this field, our attorney has what it takes to provide you with the aggressive legal representation you need.

Defending DUI accident charges can be highly complex. Many times, determining the true cause of an auto accident of any kind can be difficult, particularly if both parties may have been partially at fault. Unfortunately, we have seen far too many a driver be charged with causing an auto accident simply because he or she had been drinking. Just because a driver may have had a drink or two before taking to the road, this does not mean that he or she actually caused the accident. When you work with a lawyer at our firm, we will work to prove that you were not at fault through accident reconstruction, interviewing witnesses and independently evaluating physical evidence.

Contact a Michigan OWI attorney from our office!

We will also work to challenge the allegations that you were under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance at all. Learn more about OWI and DUI accident charges and penalties in Michigan, as well as how these may affect you, by talking to a Michigan DUI attorney at Freedman Law Group.

We will put our experience and knowledge to work for you, contact a Michigan DUI lawyer as soon as possible! Call us at 248-656-0086