Michigan OWI Lawyer

Nothing is more earth-shattering than being arrested and charged with drunk driving for the first time. Between the initial police stop, the field sobriety test, the blood or breath test, the arrest, and being processed and put in jail, first time OWI/DUI offenders quickly lose themselves in the criminal process. If you have been charged with DUI for the first time, or if someone you care about was just arrested for the very first time, we can help.

While it is true that many first time DUI offenders are terrified after their arrest, others go to the other extreme and pass their DUI charges off as being insignificant and refuse to hire a Michigan criminal defense attorney. While it's important to keep relatively calm when charged with DUI for the first time, it's also necessary to realize the seriousness of the situation because by neglecting to do so, you are likely to deny yourself the legal help needed to ensure your whole life isn't turned upside down by your first time OWI/DUI charges. The penalties for first time OWI/DUI are not as harsh as those for multiple DUI offenses, however they can be significant and life-changing which is why you will need a Michigan DUI lawyer representing you.

Charged with a first DUI? Let us help!

After being arrested, a first time DUI offender will be required to remain in jail for 4 to 24 hours, depending upon their blood alcohol level. They will then be arraigned to determine bond (if any). First time DUI offenders could face the following penalties if convicted: $100-$500 in fines, up to 93 days in jail, up to 45 days of community service, substance abuse screening, rehabilitation (at the expense of the defendant), and driver's license suspension. The degrees of the before mentioned penalties will depend upon the defendant's BAC (blood alcohol concentration) and the skills of their attorney.

Contact a Michigan OWI lawyer from our office today! Call us at 248-656-0086