After narrowly avoiding a head-on collision, a Wayne County couple has taken it upon themselves to inform legislators that distracted driving is dangerous, and that something needs to be done about it.

Benjamin and Carol Roy are getting prepared to submit a petition at the next Trenton city council meeting for a city ordinance that bans cell phone use while driving. The ordinance would prohibit drivers from using a cell phone while driving within the city limits, regardless if the cell phone is hands free or not.

The couple began collecting signatures for the petition on Friday, March 5. By Monday March 8 they had collected 100 signatures.

The Roys’ desire to get this cell phone ban into effect stems largely from the fact they were almost involved in a head-on collision with a woman who was talking on a cell phone. Last month, they were driving their pickup truck in Southgate when a woman talking on her cell phone veered into oncoming traffic. They had to swerve onto the shoulder of the road to avoid a collision.

They Roys say their efforts are nothing more than them wanting to do their part to help make their city safer. They want the punishment for using a cell phone while driving to be the same as the penalties for drunk driving.

If you have received a traffic ticket or citation for talking on a cell phone while driving, it’s important to make every effort in fighting your ticket. There are many benefits to fighting your ticket as opposed to simply paying the fine and going to traffic school. A Michigan traffic ticket attorney at the Law Offices of Freedman & Freedman is available to help you fight your ticket, and can provide you with the experienced legal counsel you need to take advantage of all possible options available to you.

For more information about the traffic ticket defense services offered at Freedman & Freedman, please call (877) TKT-LAWS!