Michigan Traffic Ticket Lawyer

A felony traffic violation is an offense which is punishable by no less than 1 year in state prison. Most felony traffic offenses are punishable by 1 to 5 years in prison, by a fine of $500 to $5,000, or both. A felony is the most serious category of criminal offense that a person may commit. In the realm of traffic violations, this may not mean life imprisonment, but it may mean that you could face years in a Michigan state prison.

A lawyer at Freedman Law Group can help you fight your felony traffic violation charges. Since 1994, our firm has been representing drivers in a variety of traffic-related offenses, ranging from simple speeding tickets all the way to serious felony offenses such as vehicular manslaughter or homicide. We take on traffic cases throughout Michigan. By discussing your particular charges with a Michigan traffic ticket attorney at our firm, you can find out more about your rights and what options you have to help avoid a conviction and therefore serious penalties. Following are some types of felony traffic offenses in Michigan:

Whether a driver is charged with a felony will depend upon the particular circumstances of the incident, and the prosecuting attorney will make the decision of whether to charge as a felony. Part of the service that a skilled Michigan criminal defense lawyer can provide is to negotiate with the prosecution in order to lessen the charges to a misdemeanor or work to have them dropped altogether.

Contact a Michigan Traffic Defense Attorney

If you're facing charges of a felony traffic violation in Michigan, take a moment to talk to a skilled attorney about your case. Your initial consultation with our firm is free, and we will give you the honest advice you need.

Contact a Michigan traffic ticket lawyer at Freedman Law Group today to challenge your felony traffic offense charges.